A group of children and adults pose with their bikes before riding to school. Many are holding up their arms in a flexing "strong" pose.

July 2024 Newsletter

It’s July and Summer’s in full swing here in Philadelphia! The afternoons are sweltering, the banks of the Schuylkill are occupied by grillers and sunbathers and summer block parties are back. With the city buzzing with summer energy yet again, don’t be surprised if you see Vision Zero in your neighborhood!

Program Updates

Vision Zero Ambassadors

This summer Vision Zero has been deploying ambassadors in communities all around the city to inform Philadelphians about future Vision Zero projects, educate folks on traffic safety, and most importantly, to be a part of your community!

Our Ambassadors have already been spotted all over the city at events both big and small. On Juneteenth, Ambassadors Chris, Jill, and Brandt worked the Vision Zero table at Malcolm X Park where they talked to festivalgoers about traffic safety, updated them on our office’s recent accomplishments such as the expansion of the Speed Camera program, and asked for feedback on an upcoming project on 52nd Street.

Ambassadors were also present at Welcome America’s Avenue of The Arts Festival on June 29th. There, Ambassadors caught up with residents and heard what they had to say about Vision Zero’s work in Philadelphia.

As the season continues and you see us in your neighborhood, don’t hesitate to say hello! If have a community event happening in your neighborhood and you’d like Vision Zero to be a part of it, you can reach us at OTIS@phila.gov.

Upcoming Events

From July 21-23, Philadelphia will host the annual Institute of Transportation Engineers annual conference, “Creating Safer, Smarter Mobility.” Vision Zero will be a key topic of the conference. More information here: https://www.iteannualmeeting.org/

Partner Updates


The Broad Street Safety Improvement project has been approved! The project includes concrete medians, design-build ADA curb ramps, and some other construction. Improvements will stretch from the Allegheny intersection to the Hunting Park intersection. This project is slated to be complete by October 2025.


Last month, Indego paid tribute to Andrea Gonzalez, a passionate bicycle advocate, community organizer, and urban planner who tragically lost her life in October 2023. In her memory, Indego dedicated the station at Poplar & Corinthian to honor her https://www.instagram.com/p/C8sDMpWNk1v/?img_index=1 

Free Library (in partnership with Indego)

We hosted an Indego Riding Basics class on Wednesday, June 5th with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia at Parkway Central Library to discuss the rules of the road, the Indego system, proper helmet usage, and more!


Young driver training can help lower crash rates, but many states do not require sufficient preparation before getting licensed. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Dr. Elizabeth Walshe discusses a recent review of mandated driving training requirements in all 50 states published in JAMA Network Open: https://injury.research.chop.edu/blog/posts/licensed-drive-are-they-prepared-be-safe 

The 100 Deadliest Days for teen drivers marks the period between Memorial Day through Labor Day. Find resources and safe driving tips from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia experts that you can share with families. Navigate to teendriversource.research.chop.edu  or https://www.youtube.com/@TeenDrivingPlan  to learn more.


Join us on Wednesday, August 7, at 6 pm, either in-person or online, for a Public Participation Task Force meeting on the Work Program. Attendees will learn about how projects get on the annual Work Program and brainstorm ideas for future projects. Learn more: https://www.dvrpc.org/news/2024/pptf-work-program-meeting/

Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia

Keep MLK Drive Car-Free Year-Round!

We love car-free weekends on MLK Drive, and we ‘re pretty sure you do too. Since 2020, this space has provided a safe area for folks to recreate, learn to ride a bike, host a group ride or run, clear your head, and more. As rehabilitation on the MLK Bridge (currently until 2025) and Falls Bridge (starting in 2025) progresses we want to make a clear argument to the city that residents take advantage of one of the largest truly car-free spaces in our city. Sign our petition & tell your story!

Vision Zero in the News

Join the Conversation

Vision Zero aims to eliminate all traffic deaths and severe injuries on Philadelphia street www.visionzerophl.com. Follow OTIS on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram, and help us to share safety messages with your networks using the hashtag #VisionZeroPHL.

Do you have events, accomplishments, or calls to action to share with the Vision Zero Task Force and subcommittees? Send your next month’s updates by Friday, July 19th  to Cole Appelman at nicholas.appelman@phila.gov.