Vision Zero Philadelphia is a collaborative effort lead by the City of Philadelphia to improve traffic safety on city streets. Member organizations with a variety of backgrounds and expertise, work together toward our goal of zero traffic deaths. Our work empowers communities, designs and builds safe streets, promotes safe and healthy modes of transportation, and enacts policies across all sectors and levels of government.
The Vision Zero Action Plan 2030 will guide Philadelphia’s traffic safety initiatives through the end of the decade. To be effective, both internal and external stakeholders will help write the plan. Feedback from community members is crucial. Whether you represent a community organization or yourself we want to hear from you.
We are looking for outgoing and motivated people to become Vision Zero Ambassadors in 2025 and help spread the word about Vision Zero and traffic safety amongst friends, neighbors, and groups they are part of. Apply today!
City Press Release
A serious injury has a lasting effect on a family, a death has a lasting effect on a community. Traffic violence is felt unequally by under-served communities in Philadelphia, with fatal or serious injury crashes three times more likely to occur in areas of the city where most residents are on low incomes.
Learn more about the current state of traffic safety in Philadelphia, and what we are doing to improve it, in our most recent annual report:
The Vision Zero Annual Report includes the most recent traffic safety data and analysis as well as summaries of recently completed Vision Zero related work. In 2020 at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic Philadelphia saw a dramatic increase in the number of fatal crashes and has yet to return to pre-2020 levels.
We call these dangerous streets the High Injury Network and we use this map to guide projects and investment where it can make the greatest impact. View the map and learn more about the network and how we use it in our Capital and Action plans:
No matter how you get around Philadelphia, you can help improve traffic safety by participating in our programs and projects and sharing Vision Zero with your community. Travel is a fact of life, but it doesn’t need to be dangerous and expensive.
Learn more about our programs through our Get Involved page and find out about recent projects and opportunities through our News page. Make sure to sign up for the Vision Zero newsletter to stay up to date.
Help us make Philadelphia streets safer by talking to your friends and family about traffic safety in Philadelphia today and what we are doing to improve it. Check the latest Vision Zero news for the latest on programs, projects, and opportunities to get involved. See our Resources page for digital and print material to share.
Get updates about the Vision Zero program and projects, learn more about our partner activities, and find upcoming events and ways to get involved.